Fall 2020 Newsletter

Fall 2020 Newsletter


Dear Family and Friends,

What a year it has been. This pandemic has brought new meaning to AJ’s famous line: “So, what else?”

In spite of the challenges we are each facing this year, AJ’s enduring line reminds us that there is always hope and possibility on the horizon. 

That’s exactly what we’ve set our sights on through this pandemic.

Although we had to cancel our biannual event and cherish the thought of being back together in person with family and friends, we’ve been busy awarding grants and collaborating with other organizations.

Let’s take a look at how AJ’s vision to generously lift others up is thriving even during Covid (and how you can be a part of keeping the vision alive!):


November 5th – December 2nd

AJ’s friends have generously donated proceeds from four, half beef packages to be raffled off! This is high quality, organic grass-fed Montana beef.

“We wanted to do something, and it’s something AJ would do,” were the words I heard when approached. CLICK HERE:  http://abf.betterworld.org/raffles/1-2-beef for the chance to win and support the foundation, too. A huge thanks to his friends!   


Interactive ways for kids and parents to connect

Wise Wonders Science and Discovery Museum: The Foundation provided a $50,000 matching grant. This grant will provide funding for the development and construction of two new exhibits:

1. An interactive helicopter exhibit for kids (and parents, too!). What fun! 

2. A calming cave for parents and children to explore ways to improve their bond and bring regulation to their nervous system. Such a creative idea for this critical part of life: safe and secure connection.

Click here: . https://wisewonders.org/  to check out the museum and take advantage of the matching donation.    


Carrying out his love for others to experience flying

Rocky Mountain College :

1. An AJ Blain Memorial Aviation Scholarship Fund was established. Beginning in 2020 and every year thereafter, an upper level aviation student will be awarded this scholarship, based on academic merit and need. What a way to carry out AJ’s love for flying and how much he wanted others to experience it!

2. A Dan Meyer Memorial Aviation Scholarship Fund was established. Similar to the fund above, in 2020 and each year beyond, one will be awarded to an upper level aviation student. We’re grateful to honor Dan in this way. 

Get this: Recently Flori (Dan’s wife) shared that she had a dream about Dan and AJ sharing a good laugh over something that happened up there. Apparently (in the dream), Dan and AJ talked all the time. Imagine AJ talking all the time (no surprise!).

3. An educational scholarship was awarded to a young aviator pursuing his aviation Education.  


I just want everyone to be healthy

1. The Foundation awarded 22 grants for individuals to participate in local Townsend Leadership Programs (TLP). Growth is such a huge part of what we stand for and what AJ valued. He often quipped, “I just want everyone to be healthy.” 

2. An organizational grant to the Junior League of Billings for their upcoming Montana Women’s Leadership Conference: 

3. One grant to an individual non-profit leader to engage in leadership coaching. 

MEMORIAL: John Jones

Someone he could go to no matter what

We lost our dear friend John this year. John generously donated his time and talents to help establish the AJ Blain Foundation.

We miss our friend and grieve with his family. We’re privileged to have received memorials to the foundation in his honor. 

In case you didn’t know, John and Darla are the parents of AJ’s friends, Sean and Nate, whom he met ski racing. John and Darla were those parents AJ felt he could go to no matter what kind of trouble he found himself in. 


As you can see, Covid and the challenges of life have not brought us down. We are more committed than ever to seeking possibilities to grow and support each other and our community. Thank you!

We are grateful for each of you and appreciate your support as we continue to seek “what else” might be possible.