Join The Circle

AJ never knew a stranger.

Everyone has a memory of “meeting AJ.” Meeting AJ was memorable, and he was immediately “a friend.” It seemed effortless for AJ to form friendships with people of all walks of life. He had a calm way of asking questions and investing with curiosity in the answers given. He shook your hand, looked you in the eye, and learned your name, and you felt important in his presence.

His network was extensive, and stories are told often of how AJ brought people together (often around a harebrained and/or brilliant adventure of some kind) and how those prior strangers are ongoing friends yet today.

AJ had a talent for networking and connecting, and the AJ Blain Foundation demonstrates that truth, bringing individuals together from all walks of life, highlighting and honoring so many visions of personal growth, leadership development, business success, and aviation. Just as meeting AJ was memorable, AJ is continuing to bring people together and make them feel known through the presence and impact of his legacy.

We want to stay in touch with you and bring you into the community AJ’s legacy continues to connect!

Join AJ’s “Circle of Friends” and receive inspiring news, updates, and information on opportunities to connect from the AJ Blain Foundation.